The truth is I didn't choose Prostate Cancer, it chose me!
A little over 10 years ago, I was experiencing symptoms which led me to see my doctor and they recommended a PSA test.
So, one week, a higher than expected PSA result and a phone call later, I was referred to a specialist consultant at a local hospital!
Thankfully, the PSA test reading proved to be a false positive, but it got me thinking....
I, doubtless like many others experiencing this, had little to no information or expectation about what this would mean for me, perhaps other than the obvious!
But having got to this point, I wanted to do something that made a difference and that's why I have created The Prost8 Challenge™.
Over the years, I've given some thought to what life is all about and for the most part, what we do is create memories, which can be both treasured and shared.
If my diagnosis had been confirmed as positive, I may not have made it to the time of having this photo taken, capturing a memorable holiday.
So, for all those men who may get this disease one day, let's increase awareness, giving them the best chance possible of continuing to create more memories, by saving those lives that would otherwise end too soon!